We are a team of researchers striving for a world without melanoma.
Mission & History.
Australia has among the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Transformation of skin cancer prevention and early detection is the key to reduce the burden on patients, families and the healthcare system and deliver on our vision of a “World Without Melanoma”. With rates of skin cancer continuing to increase, more efforts into prevention and early detection services are more important than ever before.
Our previous work with patients, research participants and consumers found that they had trouble finding the most relevant information for them. We have created a platform to direct people to the most up to date information on melanoma prevention & early detection.
Safe in the Sunshine is an initiative of the Australian Cancer Research Fund (ACRF) Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging & Diagnosis (ACEMID). ACRF ACEMID is a collaboration between the University of Queensland, Monash University and University of Sydney. For more information on ACEMID visit acemid.org.au